See the note below from Grand Knight Julian requesting help for the grounds at the hall:

Worthy Brothers of 1266,
I have been asked to send out this message for help out in the lounge and several items within the building area.

1) If you know a lounge member, please let them know that the dues are to be paid by July 1, 2024.  The lounge dues are $40.00.

2) A bartender would be needed one day a week or every other week.  Remember this is a volunteer position.

3) Grass cutting.... Currently Bob Stefanski is cutting grass in the patio area.  We could use another person to help out.

4) Trimming of hedges.... Currently Steve Richardville is trimming them, and again we could use another person to help out.

5)  Using the weed eater.... As of now we do not have anyone signed up to do this task during the summer.  Please consider helping out if you can.

6)  Patio cleaning... Currently we do not have anyone to clean and tidy the patio for the summer months.  It would be nice to be able to come to the lounge, grab a beverage and be able to sit outside and enjoy the patio.


If you or even one of the LADY KNIGHTS would be interested in any of this above, please see Paul Jay or Steve Richardville and they will help you get started.

What do I always say.... More Hands Equals Light Work!!

Thank you all.

GK Julian Rios